Children, Youth & Family Ministries
At Hamilton Baptist Church, we believe our children are the future and we work hard to create a space where children are cared for, discipled and taught about the love of Jesus. We know that if the only discipleship our children get is for a few hours while they are at church each week, then they aren’t getting enough. So we try to partner with parents so that parents are equipped to continue discipling and teaching their kids at home. We use a curriculum called Orange to help do just that.
If you are the parent of a child aged k-12, we encourage you to download an app called Parent Cue. This app will follow along with our curriculum, inform you of what your children are learning, and give you ideas throughout the week of things to do with your child or ask your child in order to reinforce what they are learning in church. The app also has parenting resources like blogs you can read or podcasts you can listen to.

Wednesday Evening Awanas & Youth Group
On Wednesday evenings from October to March, we host Awanas and youth group at our church. We begin at 5:30 and a meal is provided. Contact us for more information.
Other Sunday Morning Programming
Children’s Church: Our children worship with us during songs, then they go to the annex for children’s church during the sermon.
Nursery: We have a nursery available during worship.